If you do business internationally, you’re probably producing documents in English.
Note: Even minor errors in your text can damage the professional image that you were trying to project.
Mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar are common in the texts produced by bots, scammers and poor machine translation.
Take a close look at those emails in your spam folder: there’s always something odd about how they’re written. They’re just a little bit off. The typos and bad word choices don’t have to be extreme to send up red flags for both human readers and A.I. filters.
But there’s more: Does the text express what you want to say? Not only in terms of the message you want to convey, but also in tone and style, even logical flow? Does it address your intended audience? Will it meet them at the right level … or does it talk down to them or fly over their heads? Did agency translators use idioms that non-native speakers would stumble over? Or perhaps the translators weren’t native speakers?
For all these reasons and many others, it’s a good idea to have a competent native speaker go over your text before you publish. Let me catch those bloopers for you before the world sees them. I’ll never tell a soul: you have my word!